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WFTU Statement on the new attack in Palestine

The Israeli occupation crimes continue, today the Israeli occupation forces raided once again Jenin camp leaving destruction and horror among the residents of the camp.

During the raid the occupation forces used weapons and grenades, even bombarded houses using a helicopter, which resulted in the death of four Palestinian young men as well as a 15-year child, the Israeli also obstructed the first responders and ambulances that were trying to transfer and treat the injured according to the Palestinian red crescent. Also, reports were made about the occupation forces targeting journalists.

The World Federation of Trade Unions strongly condemns the crimes against humanity represented by the policies of the Israeli occupation, the continuous massacres and ethnic cleansing, the apartheid regime, land theft, the establishment of settlements and the arrest of Palestinians on charges of defending their land.

WFTU will continue to fight alongside the Palestinian, against imperialism, colonialism, occupation and apartheid. We have a common struggle and we will fight tirelessly so that every worker around the world has the full right to live in freedom and dignity.


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