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Meeting of TUI Pensioners Leadership

In process to celebrate the Third Congress.

General Secretary of the WFTU, comrade Pambis Kyritsis adressed the meeting of the leaders of TUI Pensionists. He valued very positively the tasks of our TUI, pledged to help us and stressed that the struggle must always be of active workers alongside retired workers.

Concluding points of TUI Pensionist meeting

  • We approve the celebration of the Third Congress in Greece in the second half of April 2.024. Comrades Dimos and Quim will make a proposal of criteria to elect the delegates in each country and it will be debated in the meeting of September 20.
  • To continue to make progress in the already planned program of Regional Conferences, pending: Asia (October 1 in Kerala, India) and Africa.
  • To disseminate, together with the text of the intervention of the General Secretary of the WFTU in the 111th Conference of the ILO, the text that comrade Xaro Nomdedeu read last June 12 at the ILO.
  • To denounce again imperialism as the promoter of all the present wars and to hope that the changes in the world economy (the dollar loses progressive weight in the transactions) will bring us closer to the defeat of Capitalism.
  • To continue the ideological struggle, which translates into language, calling things by their name. For example, we should not speak of informal labor (the uncontracted who survive in jobs of all kinds and without papers), but calling them for what they are: THE NEW SLAVERY.
  • Set the next meeting for Wednesday, September 20 at 17:00 hours in Barcelona. In this meeting we will approve the place and dates for the Third Congress of our TUI.


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