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ITALY: Acciaierie d’Italia, presidium of the Labor Inspectorate of Taranto: USB will present other documents and complaints

The demonstration organized by the Unione Sindacale di Base this morning was held in a symbolic place, that of the headquarters of the Labor Inspectorate, to send a message to all institutions to be alongside the workers of the steel plant, managed with multiple abuses. During the presidium, the representatives of the union met the director of the Territorial Labor Directorate of Taranto, Michele Campanelli.

We asked to speed up the procedures and to address the biggest and most urgent issues, postponing those that could be postponed and the Inspectorate, while complaining about a lack of staff, guaranteed that all the complaints presented by us are active, some have already been completed. . The difficulty in guaranteeing access to the documents is due to the need to conclude all the operations before providing the organization with the documentation. Furthermore, we have learned that the complaints presented by us are detailed and this is a great help in terms of contributing to shedding full light on the matter.

Furthermore, we have highlighted that the direct maintenance employees are placed on layoffs and the activities due to them are entrusted to contractors whose invoices are paid with great delay or are not paid at all, and consequently the failure to pay wages for workers. We anticipated that we will file a complaint regarding the abuse of the use of the multiservice contract that is producing contractual dumping in the factory and that is applied exclusively for economic reasons, as companies save to the detriment of workers and the client benefits from it. In our opinion, in that context, that contract should be abolished. Next week we will be back, therefore, in the Inspectorate to present a document on the replacement of direct workers with company workers and on contractual dumping. Also forthcoming is the complaint on the contract and an integration to the issues relating to the redundancy fund.

USB Taranto


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