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WFTU solidarity statement with the people of Haiti

The people of Haiti took to the streets protesting against government policies while prices of basic products and fuel skyrocketed. The people of Haiti are suffering for years due to the economic situation and the government policies, at the same time that violence spread and killings of people, including trade unionists.

The autonomous central of Haitian workers (CATH) expresses its concern and denouement about their country’s developments, where the government is a puppet for the IMF, implementing anti-labor policies and austerity measures leading the country to the brink of the abyss.

The CATH strongly condemns the assassination of three of its unionists, while illegal gangs rule the streets, harassing workers at their workplaces and the government does not deal effectively with the unacceptable situation.

The CATH demands an end to all policies dictated by the IMF and capitalist circles, drastic measures to restore safety and security in the country, and the implementation of effective measures against high living costs and inflation.

The WFTU fully supports the just demands of the Haitian people and strongly condemns the anti-labor policies implemented for years resulting in misery and despair of the Haitian people. We demand justice for our murdered trade unionists and respect for the trade union rights and freedoms.  The voice of the workers will be always heard, their struggles will always continue.

The WFTU family with its 105 million members all over the globe stands firmly in solidarity with the Haitian people.  Only with the militant and class-oriented struggle, we can achieve our demands.

Long live internationalist solidarity!

Long live the Working class of Haiti!


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