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New Boss Crime in Turkey

Editor’s Note: This statement comes to us from the former General Secretary of the WFTU George Mavrikos

We express our indignation at the new boss crime that took place on Friday in a coal mine near the Turkish city of Amasra. Until last night, 28 workers had lost their lives, about 30 were seriously injured, and a large number of workers are trapped in 300-meter-deep tunnels and the danger to their lives is great. When 301 miners were killed again in Turkey in the city of Soma in 2014, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan had said that “it was God’s will”.

As then, so now they are crimes of capitalists and governments because they only care about profits. For the bourgeois class everywhere and always only profits have value. Not the worker’s life. We express our condolences to the families of the victims and once again call on the unions to strengthen the fight for health and safety measures in the workplace. So that workers return to their homes and families, healthy as when they left for work.


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