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WFTU addressed the XXII World Peace Council Assembly

The World Federation of Trade Unions participates in the XXII World Peace Council Assembly which is taking place in the capital of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Ha Noi from November 21-26, 2022.  The WFTU is represented by comrade Cardino Rafael, trade unionist, and cadre of the World Federation of Trade Unions and its affiliate KATIPUNAN from the Philippines.

The WFTU delegate conveys to greeting message of the WFTU General Secretary at the Vietnam Peace Conference and also will intervene as the WFTU representative at the Ha Noi Peace Conference.

The WFTU General Secretary Speech among others mentioned:

‘’The WFTU and the World Peace Council share common values, common visions, and common struggles.’’

‘’Imperialist powers are using the war in Ukraine to convince other countries to join the NATO.’’

‘’For us is very clear that world peace cannot be protected nor could be achieved through militarization or through the patronage of all kinds of extreme right-wing nationalist and fascist ideologies.’’

‘’The WFTU will continue to fight our common struggle for a world free of wars, free of interventions.’’


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