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BRAZIL: Professors of the State Universities of Bahia Paralyze Activities and Make Act in Salvador

With the support of the Central of Workers of Brazil (CTB), professors of the four state universities of Bahia (Uneb, Uesc, Uefs and Uesb) paralyzed their activities, on Wednesday (12), throughout the state. In addition to the 24-hour strike, the teachers’ associations of the institutions held a walk in the Center of Salvador.

According to Clóvis Piau, general coordinator of Aduneb, the fight is for the State of Bahia to negotiate the 53% wage losses and other demands of the category. “The act aims to draw the government’s attention to the needs of university professors, who earn poorly in a state where the economy is doing well. We cannot leave this precariousness of professionals and universities. Higher education is investment,” he said.

Elson Moura, from Adusf (teachers from the Feira de Santana unit), Marcelo Lins, from Adusc (Santa Cruz, in the south), and Alendre Galvão, from Adusb (Santa Bárbara, in the southwest of Bahia) spoke on behalf of their associations.

For the representative of Uesc, the demonstration shows the difficult situation of the teachers of the institutions. “Our category in the south is well involved with this struggle, reflecting the great assembly we have held. In addition to the losses, we also want the fulfillment of several rights of the Statute of the Magisterium of Higher Education, “he said.

Alexandre Galvão emphasized: “Comparing all the state universities in the Northeast, Bahian professors are in the penultimate place in terms of salaries.” Information from CTB Bahia.


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