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CYPRUS: Joint Communications on ATA

A pan-syndicalist meeting on the issue of Automatic Indexation (ATA) was held on January 5, in which the Organizations SEK, PEO, DEOK, PASYDY, OELMEK, POED, OLTEK, PASYKI, ETYK, POASO, ESK, SAK, CAUSA and SYKS took part.

The Organizations reiterated their unanimous position for the full restoration of the ATA and its performance on the basis of its philosophy, as provided for in the Transitional Agreement of July 2017, calling on all stakeholders (Government and employers’ organizations) to respect the content of the Agreement.

At the same time, the Organizations reaffirmed their strict commitment to the need to extend collective agreements and the institution of the ATA to all employees in all sectors of economic activity, in order to restore the market value of their salaries from the surge in inflation.

The Organizations underlined that they expect a positive outcome to the whole issue in the joint meeting with the Minister of Labor that will take place on January 12, 2023, without any further delay. In particular, they expect the Minister of Labor, as the guardian of labor relations and labor peace, to fulfill his role and mission, submitting the position of the Government Side and taking actions in the above direction.

In any case, the Organizations will meet in a new meeting, on January 12, 2023, to evaluate the results of the meeting with the Minister of Labor. In the event that there will be no positive outcome, the Organizations will take final decisions to take universal response measures, for which the sole responsibility will lie with those who with delaying manipulations try to harm the vital for the workers and the economy of the place institution of the ATA.


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