On October 3, 1945, in the aftermath of the Second World War, in the revolutionary fresh air of the great anti-fascist victory of the peoples with the Soviet Union at the forefront, at the historic Palais de Chaillot in Paris, trade unions from all around the world united to establish the World Federation of Trade Unions. This landmark moment, indelibly etched in the history of the international trade union movement, set in motion an enduring struggle for workers’ rights, dignity, and international solidarity, for permanent peace, against imperialist wars, for a world without discrimination, and the exploitation of man by man.
For 80 years, the WFTU has stood as a beacon of internationalism and a powerful voice for workers worldwide. Guided by an uncompromising commitment to class struggle and unity, its affiliates have mobilized across continents to face every challenge. Under the flag of the WFTU, the working class has achieved its greatest victories. The flag of the WFTU was raised in all the small and great struggles for national and social liberation. The WFTU defended the people and the revolution of Cuba, the people of Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and Korea in their right to follow their own independent path against colonialism and imperialism. It supported the struggle of the South African people against Apartheid for freedom and independence, struggled for the decolonization in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East, and stood and continues standing by the heroic Palestinian people in their struggle for freedom and dignity!
Today, as we commemorate this historic milestone, we reaffirm the pillars that continue to guide our actions. Our resolute anti-imperialist struggle remains at the core of our mission, as we consistently oppose imperialist interventions and wars that undermine the sovereignty and dignity of the peoples around the world.
Central to our mission is the relentless protection of workers’ rights, guaranteeing access to health, education, dignified work, and social security for all.
The WFTU actively participates in international organizations, a participation which amplifies the voice of the working class and forges strategic alliances in our struggle against oppression.
We remain steadfast in our commitment to the education and ideological empowerment of workers, ensuring that every individual is equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary for an informed and militant struggle.
As we look back on the proud history of the WFTU and the sacrifices made by generations of trade unionists, we also celebrate the present strength and growing influence of the international class-oriented trade union movement. Today, the WFTU represents the voice of more than 105 million members from 133 countries—a testament to our expanding reach and enduring commitment to our just struggles. With each passing year, our membership grows not only in numbers but also in strength and unity, reaffirming our role and task as a pioneering force in the international trade union movement.
As we officially declare 2025 as a year of celebrations for the 80th anniversary, we announce that several activities, campaigns, and events will be organized by our bodies, structures, and affiliates. We call upon every worker of the world to join the World Federation of Trade Unions in this rich plan of action, in this rich plan of struggles! Our ambition with these celebrations is to highlight the history of the struggles and actions of the WFTU and to showcase its distinction from organizations of compromised trade unionists and yellow unions that promote class collaboration and integration into the system of exploitation.
This anniversary is not only a moment of remembrance but also a call to action. We reaffirm our dedication to advancing the founding principles of the WFTU by engaging workers across all sectors and generations, opposing imperialist interventions, and promoting universal rights to a life of dignity.
With dignity, honoring our 80 years of class struggles, we continue fighting for a future where workers are free from poverty, discrimination, and inequality. We honor the struggles of the international class-oriented trade union movement for peace and against imperialist wars, and we are committed continuing and strengthening these struggles.
With internationalism and solidarity!
WFTU Presidential Council
March 5, 2025
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