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DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: Protesters demand decent pensions and more inclusive health care

In the Dominican Republic, people are fighting for decent pensions and health care. Under the slogan “No more Association of Health Risk Administrators” and “No more Pension Fund Administrators “, hundreds of people marched through the streets of the Historic Centre of Santiago de los Caballeros Dominican Republic against the Health Risk and Pension Fund Administrators.

They marched together with hundreds of men and women for a social security system that protects people, that is not exclusive, that complies with the guidelines of universal, public and free.


Members of the Dominican Medical Association (CMD) and its 56 specialised medical societies, the World Federation of Trade Unions Dominican Chapter, the National Union of Sugar Cane Workers, the Fearsage Foundation, the Bar Association, the Dominican Association of Teachers (ADP), the Federation of Teachers of the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD), the Dominican College of Bioanalysts (CODOBIO) participated in the walk.


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