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DPRK: General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea Central Committee Congratulate the 78th anniversary of Foundation of WFTU

Image Courtesy of KFA-USA

To: WFTU secretariat

Dear Comrade Mike Mzwandile Makawyiba, president of WFTU,
Comrade Pambis Kyritsis, General Secretary of WFTU,
Comrade George Mavrikos, honorary president of WFTU

General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea would like to congratulate the 78th anniversary of foundation of WFTU warmly and extend our comradely greetings to all the members of the secretariat of WFTU and trade unionists, familiar friends by you.

World Federation of Trade Unions, adhering to the tradition of the anti-imperialist and solidarity decisively, defeating the imperialist intervention for division and alienation in the international trade unions movement in the last period, has been demonstrating its militant great strength on a world wide scale.

We would highly like to appreciate your activity for promoting the working and life condition of the workers on the occasion of the day of international act which is the day of foundation of WFTU and heading the activities of all the member organizations for carry out the tasks set from the 18th congress of WFTU.

And also GFTUK extend our firm solidarity and support to you thoroughly.

GFTUK, as the responsible member organization of WFTU, would like to promote the friendly and cooperative relations with all the member and friend organizations of WFTU on the struggle for anti-imperialist and independent and international solidarity in the future.

We hope your health including the president and general secretary and greater successes in your works heartily.

Sincerely yours,
Central Committee
General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea


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