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FRANCE: CGT Statement on Deteriorating Working Conditions at RATP

The lack of staff at the RATP is increasing. Working conditions are becoming increasingly harmful. After bus drivers, it is the turn of the metro drivers to be understaffed. A background blade which, by repercussion, will soon touch the RER.

Despite a regular recruitment campaign, RATP is struggling to attract.

Attractiveness at half-bearing

Not surprisingly, the gradual abandonment of the status has a negative effect on the attractiveness of the Régie, where 75% of staff work with atypical working hours (early in the morning, late in the evening). Post-hours, additional travel allowance insufficient to cover all travel expenses, gradual abandonment of compensation… posts are becoming less and less attractive.

Increasingly harsh working conditions

In maintenance, casualisation is on the agenda. RATP is preventing itself from capitalising on the know-how of workers with the increasingly common use of fixed-term contracts and temporary employment.

The now systematic use of night work in order to increase productivity also degrades working conditions: if the remuneration is higher, all the bonuses relating to it, in particular those making retirement work no longer, are taken into account.

Bus drivers, on the other hand, are faced with a continuous deterioration of traffic conditions (densification in population, new mobility, congested Paris gates) making driving increasingly stressful. No compensation.

The misdeeds of opening up to competition

The working time of 14,000 staff was increased by 59 minutes per day to create a regionalized social framework in Paris and Petite Crown.

This measure replaces the payment of this overtime, which hitherto existed, with a normal tariff, and thus creates a reduction in income.

The doubling of service, on weekdays and on Saturdays, increases the amplitude of service, which can be up to 13 hours a day.

The abolition, without the agreement of the social partners, of 6 days of rest gives a watermark for the future of the workers of the Régie.

In a company where staff costs account for 70 per cent, the only way for management to generate a larger margin (imposed by the privatization of the surface network) is to do more with fewer staff: the abolition of 2,000 posts is expected.

For a real public transport service, “it is necessary to increase statutory salaries, abolish the fee-for-service bonuses that must be included in the statutory salary, and thus hand over the salary grids at the level,” claims Bertrand Hammache General CGT RATP.

And the development of the Ile-de-France network must be accompanied by an improvement in working conditions.

For these reasons and to demand salary increases, RATP agents will participate massively in the strike on Thursday, 10 November.


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