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GREECE: Big Demonstration – No to the Privatization of Water!

Under the slogan “Hands off the water. It is not a commodity – it is a social good trade unions, student associations and other organization denounced the consequences of handing over the “market” of water to the private sector: The business groups and their state will condemn the people to pay gold for water, confront them with even greater threats of water supply interruption, bring negative consequences on water quality that endanger public health, since as recent bitter experience proves, in the “cost-benefit” scale, the profitability of capital weighs more heavily than health and safety.

“You sell the resources, you sell the trains, your profits are painted in the blood of the workers”, the protesters denounced, with yesterday’s mobilisation taking the “baton” from the massive rallies of the past few days on the crime in Tempe.

During the rally in front of the Parliament was transferred the pulse of the great strikes in France, which have become a reference point for workers and unions in Greece as well. With a short message sent by Amar Lagga, general secretary of CGT Commerce et Services. “The employers and the government want to add two years to us,” he said about the attempt to raise the retirement age and stressed that workers do not accept to “bleed” for the profits of the companies. “Fight with all your strength,” was the call he made.

“Victory to the workers of France”, workers and unions responded, while PAME called for initiatives in the workplaces to inform about the new strike in France and to support the strikers’ struggle. A meeting of support for the French people will take place at the French embassy on Thursday 23 March, at 6.30 pm.


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