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HAITI: CATH Open Letter to Mr. Enex Jean Charles & Gracien Jean

The General Secretariat of the Centrale Autonome des Travailleurs Haïtiens (CATH) salutes you and takes this opportunity to ask you to reconsider your messy, disappointing, and unconstitutional moves to anarchically amend the constitution and organize a bogus referendum in the country of Jean-Jacques Dessalines that its sons and daughters love so much. By agreeing to embark on this bizarre project, you are an accomplice of the government and a secular, homeland-hating group.

In addition, you’ve been running the country with nothing to show for it. Rather, you bear the mark of the immoral, the corrupted, submissive, revisited and corrected morons.

Mr Enex Jean Charles, former Prime Minister, you’ve never been one of the people who defend the country. You don’t inspire confidence in the nation. You have no backbone. That’s why you’re at the head of this mafia commission. You are rather like the businessmen, money-seekers and squanderers who build their opulence on the backs of the State. You have never taken a stand on behalf of the Haitian people at any time in history.

As for Professor Gracien Jean, you’re missing the point. The work for which the Government has appointed you is not worthy of you. Coming from Cité Soleil you used to take correct positions. You knew how to take correct democratic positions, defending social justice, equity and ideological pluralism. The CATH doesn’t understand how you could agree to do such a “dirty job”.

The best thing to do is to withdraw from this dead-end quagmire. You are risking your personality as a political scientist, a professor, and a good example for young people you had in the past. If we take into account the latest letter from a group on your mafia-like steering committee, the shenanigans surrounding your personality, the masterpiece or trademark of your career. Unfortunately, Professor Gracien Jean let himself be drawn into the net of evil. The CATH is fed up with hearing that every single person involved in your messy constitutional construction site receives 700,000.00 Gourdes as a token of attendance.

Mr. Enex Jean Charles, you’re very smart not to accept a fixed salary, as you always were. CATH has heard that the referendum will cost the Haitian state between 60 and 90 million dollars. Surely you’re going to hang on to the sum of 90 million. What a shame for you gentlemen. CATH would like you to establish for the country and the Haitian people the difference between those who fly with their feathers and those who fly with their weapons.

The CATH urges you gentlemen to stop right there, if you really have a modicum of dignity in you, of respect for your family and the Haitian people. By accepting this job, you’re putting yourselves on a high-altitude peak between a venomous snake and a lion. This means you won’t be able to move forward, backward, left or right. You’re already caught between the anvil and the hammer and the vice is tightening on you more and more.

How can you offer a referendum to a people whose constitution is not their main problem?

How can you offer a constitutional referendum to a people who have been subjected to violence and who are constantly demanding freedom, security, housing, employment, food, health, education, respect for their social, economic, political and cultural rights, social justice, justice and the fair distribution of the country’s wealth?

Considering all the above, here’s what’s in store for you:

  • Flee to a new destination to avoid becoming victims of the fights that this referendum will entail;
  • The Haitian people’s refusal to change the constitution;
  • The closure of polling stations before the deadline;
  • A general uprising of the already frustrated population;

Yours sincerely,

Louis Fignole St. Cyr
General Secretary

Signed in Port-au-Prince, February 12, 2025.


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