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INDIA: Massive Working Class Rally Held in Agartala August 30

Thousands of working class from almost all Sub-Division of the State of Tripura had started their journey at late night or early morning to join the Programme at Agartala braving out threats and hurdles created by local ruling class Goons. Huge gathering assembled first before Rabindra Satabarshiki Bhavan and started to march towards touching all the streets of Capital Agartala.The Rally was disciplined, but vociferous with chanting slogans demanding to fulfill 16 point of Demands, hailing CITU Red Flags. With banners of all affiliated organisations stroke one after another the ongoing Rally.

Among the participants a good number of tribals, minority, Tea Garden workers were of worth mentioning.

The Rally finally assembled before the Labour Directorate as the Chief Minister of the State refused to meet the delegates on the plea that he would be busy in upcoming by-election, though permission was sought a long back.

Before the mass gathering Comrade Manik Sarkar, the Ex. Chief Minister, Com. Manik De, CITU State President, Com. Sankar Prasad Datta, State CITU General Secretary, Com. Jaya Barman Vice-President of CITU and MLA Com. Jitendra Choudhury delivered their speech.The meeting was presided over by Com. Manik De.

Manik Sarkar in his address stetched upon the need to be more unified to thwart away the BJP Government from Centre in the ensuing Parliamentary Elections in 2024.This Government is fascistic in nature, allows only a few corporates to loot and deprive the working class, peasantry, marginal farmers, landless agricultural workers alongwith other sections of the country.They do not care the agony and sufferings of the countrymen and on the contrary they are solely committed to big business houses and a few Corporates.

Tripura is not an exeption as it is also run by BJP. The so called Double Engine Government both in Centre and in State are being driven by the Prime Minister himself. Miseries of the people can not be averted unless BJP is removed from the power. He mentioned recently concluded Joint Convention in Delhi’s Talkotra Stadium of Working Class, Farmers, Agri Labourers and said the proposal for organising greater movemement throughout the Country is not isolated from the 16 points demand of Tripura’s Working Class.It is the responsibility of working class to be Ideologically strong and class concious to organise more and more in the coming days – he added.

Sankar Prasad Datta said 16 points demand were raised to awaken the Chief Minster. If it does not happen Working Class will surely be ready to create a new History.

Com. Jitendra Choudhury in his speech said the whole State is reeling in an unprecedented situation.There is no one to listen the genuine 16 points demand.Be ready for greater movement – he said.

Jaya Barman mentioned that under the pressure of Double Engine Condion of Working Women is unmentionable. Women workers of different projects have been driven out.

Manik De in his address mentioned that the working class do not get Bonus and Ex-gratia, although in black and white it reflects.Wages of Tea Garden workers were raised Rs 176 per day in 2017, but it has not yet been implemented.In a crucicial stage our Country is passing.The working class while fighting for Economic Demands shall equally fight to save our Country and Workin Class shall do it – he added.


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