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INDONESIA: 3rd Anniversary Regime of Jokowi – Amien, Various policies & regulations are getting more and more miserable!

Jakarta, (20/10) – Commemorating 77 years of WFTU as well as 3 years of Regime Jokowi – Amien , the Confederation of KASBI (KASBI Indonesia) carried out National Actions in various big cities in Indonesia together with the Labor Movement and Student Movement as a form of protest against the various policies and regulations of the Regime that afflicted the majority people in Indonesia amid the staggering economic conditions after the COVID-19 pandemic. However , the Thousands of Masses of the Action of the Confederation of KASBI together with GEBRAK & the Student Movement who carried out the Action in Jakarta, were blocked by the Police with a distance of 1 KM from the State Palace.

In the National Action for the 3rd Anniversary of Regime Jokowi – Amien, the Confederation of KASBI demands:
1. Reject Fuel Price Increase, Lower Food Prices, etc.
2. Revoke the Omnibus Law of Cipta Kerja and its derivative policies.
3. Revoke the revision of the P3 Law that legitimizes the implementation of the Omnibus
Law Cipta Kerja.
4. Cancel the RKUHP and Revise the National Education System Law
5. Stop the Repression and Brutality of the Apparatus against
Civil Society and the People’s Movement.
6. Implement a 2023 National Living Wage

The Confederation of KASBI also expressed its support for the Struggle Action of the CGT Comrades in France to fight for a Decent and Dignified Life!

a luta continua !
Long Live Struggle !
Long Live Internasionalism !

Salam Muda Berani Militan !


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