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ITALY: Channels of Conflict—Workers of the “Value Chain” Facing the Impacts of War and the Environmental Crisis. 10th February, Genoa

The war must be stopped, so the sending of weapons to the four corners of the world.

We need to act and mobilize against war starting from the workplace. As we need to rethink the economic development model to avoid the impacts of the effects of climate change, affecting the poorest areas of the planet.

The bosses continue to seek only their immediate profits, but those who work within the production and supply chains know well that the crisis is imminent, indeed it is literally already among us.

We must call it by its name: it is capitalism.

Wars are the expression of this, the inevitable confirmation of a model that places private interests at the center to the detriment of communities and workers. The destruction of the environment and the planet is simply the other side of this coin.

The crisis in the Middle East, the massacre of Palestinian People and the resulting tensions in the Suez Canal today directly touch our pockets, considering that 40% of Italian GDP is represented by exports.

Ports, logistics, production trade, the “value chain” sectors, are directly impacted from this situation in Italy and are already experiencing worrying slowdowns.

Connecting to all the generalized mobilizations already called to claim the immediate stop the genocide in Gaza, the USB Workers Category announce the first public initiative where discuss togheter the real triggers of the global crisis, conflicts, climate changes and the consequent impacts on the on the wages and living conditions of millions of workers.

For peace and environmental justice, we must continue to mobilize from below.

Together with the USB Workers Category, they will be present and contribute to the initiative:

  • Giuliano Mariucci (Ottolina TV)
  • Markos Bekris (PAME ENEDEP Port Union)
  • Gabriele Rubini (Chef Rubio)
  • Giorgio Cremaschi & Marta Collot (Power to the People)
  • Rajeh Zayed (President of the Palestinian Arab Democratic Union)
  • Riccardo degli Innocenti (Researcher)

On 10 FEBRUARY 2024 at 10.30 am at the “Music for Peace” in Via Balleydier 60, GENOA

Unione Sindacale di Base


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