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ITALY: Sanitaservices Out on Strike May 5

A meeting was held on Wednesday 26th, at the Health and Welfare Department of the Puglia Region, a meeting in the presence of the councilor Rocco Palese, the director of the Vito Montanaro Department and the service manager Antonella Caroli. In the introductory report, the councillor Palese explained the reasons for the choices of the Puglia Region to make up for the existing deficit throughout the territory. The councillor stressed that there is no real block but a control of the assumptions that must be authorized by the Regional Council.

As a USB regional coordination, we have highlighted some essential points. The measures taken by the Puglia Region in the field of hiring, pharmaceutical spending and waiting lists to make up for the deficit, are worrying and leave us outraged as they worsen the already critical situation of a collapsing health system weighing on users and on the workers themselves.

In addition, it was necessary to point out that the management does not take into account the high number of people who get sick and therefore the need to increase services instead of making cuts.

We reiterated the importance of the provision of COVID awarding to Sanitaservice workers, in recognition of the service provided in a time of considerable difficulty, underlining the great discrimination made compared to workers in the public sector.

We were told that the delays are due to the failure of the Sanitaservice to send the lists of staff entitled. We asked that the funds be disbursed to those Sanitaservice that provided all the documentation.

Here too, we highlighted the need to provide unique management guidelines for all Sanitaservices, so that situations such as those of Lecce, Bari (Policlinico), Foggia, in which workers who have served during Covid after having matured the period necessary to use the right of precedence on recruitment, remain outside without future prospects unlike what happened in Taranto.

After a heated discussion, despite the minimal opening by the Puglia Region, having not received exhaustive responses during the meeting we confirmed the strike of all the regional health services with demonstration at the Presidency of the Region on May 5.

We ask for greater rights, protections and guarantees for a sector that is continuously discriminated against and left in disarray but above all we ask that this continuous attack on Sanitaservices to facilitate the private sector and the forms of exploitation that follow, terms definitively.

It is essential that the Puglia Region takes charge of the audience of workers left out of the stabilization and proceeds with the assumption of the same, given that some Sanitaservice suffer from the shortage of about 100 units whose recruitments are already provided for in the budget, in the recruitment plan and in the service contracts.

Gianni Palazzo USB Lecce
Santino Eat USB Foggia
Simona Laliscia USB Taranto


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