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ITALY: Statement from USB on Italian Elections—the anti-Draghis won. But the new government is preparing to follow in Draghi’s footsteps!

Once again, as was the case in the 2018 political elections, the forces that gave the feeling of representing the protest and interpreting the intolerance that is recorded in the population won. The Meloni party won, which did not participate in the very large pro-Draghi coalition, and the Five Star Movement, led by Conte, which managed to break away from Draghi, effectively starting the government crisis, won a good share of support. which led to the election. Instead, they have lost all the forces that have convinced the banker’s government, starting with the Democratic Party, confirming the chasm that is widening between the establishment and the mood of a large part of the country.

If in 2018 the two parties that came out victorious had presented themselves in the elections with a visibly different program from that of the government of the time, now Fratelli d’Italia wins the elections with a program of substantial continuity with the Draghi government. At the time, the intervention of the President of the Republic was necessary, which even conditioned the choice of ministers, and the stakes set by the European Commission brought the two “anti-system” parties back into the ranks on the occasion of the budget law at the end of the year. Today, however, the exponents of FdI already propose a sharing with the ministers of the Draghi government to write the budget together.

Because in reality the Meloni-led government is preparing to govern in the name of continuity. Both on the front of foreign policy and financing for NATO rearmament, and on that of economic policy.

On the left, the formations that proposed a system alternative did not exceed the 3% barrier, probably paying for the short time they had available. On the other hand, the Five Star Movement has reported undeniable success, presenting itself with a radical program, with proposals that can often be shared. Now it will be necessary to see if it was a simple electoral tactic or if the Grillini have seriously taken a course of action in discontinuity with their recent past in government.

The big question of wages and the soaring prices (and bills), which is the theme of the next few weeks, will be the testing ground for the next government. There are no proposals for serious discontinuity in the electoral program of FdI: cut of the tax wedge, flat tax, attack on citizenship income and then a lot of smoke on the re-discussion of the PNRR. These are the ideas that were circulating in the Draghi government and that are already in the proposals of Confindustria and a large part of the outgoing majority.

After the electoral hangover, the reality of the problems returns to the field, made more and more crude by the continuation of the war and by a recession now upon us with thousands of layoffs and a heavy attack on the general conditions of life for millions of people.

The USB has already proclaimed a general strike for next December 2nd together with the world of grassroots trade unionism. We do not yet know what the next government will be or what the first decisions it will take will be, but from their program and the electoral campaign that has just ended, it is not difficult to guess how they will move. And therefore it will be necessary to build the largest possible mobilization.

We will also find in the squares those who did not want the fall of the Draghi government and who in July issued appeals for Draghi to stay. We will meet again those who supported the establishment and favored the shift to the right of the general climate of the country, giving the government to Meloni. It will be good to remember this in order not to take the bait of new unitary illusions and having at heart the independence and clarity of our objectives. First of all: put down your weapons – raise wages.

Unione Sindacale di Base


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