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ITALY: USB in the National Assembly—Enough War Policies, We Want Higher Wages and Safety at work. On June 1 in the Streets against the Government

Hundreds of delegates and delegates of the Unione Sindacale di Base met in a national assembly on Thursday 16 May at the National Library of Rome. The debate was rich, with dozens of interventions from multiple categories: from logistics to tourism workers, from factories to public employment. The analysis provided by Cestes Proteo with the intervention of Prof Luciano Vasapollo, filled with content and substantiated with data the claimant platform of the USB.

USB reiterates its opposition to the war economy put in place by the Meloni government, in particular we denounce support for the Israeli government while the latter commits genocide in Gaza. Tuto impoverishes the country and the workers, as well as making Italy complicit in massacres like the one underway against the Palestinian people.

Our country is experiencing an external war, but also internal, to stop it USB has solutions: raising wages and protections for workers, in particular in terms of health and safety at work. We want increases of at least 300 euros in the paycheck, a legal minimum wage of at least 10 euros, reduce the hours for the same salary on 4 days of work per week, the introduction of the crime of murder at work.

Attached is the document approved by the assembly.


The National Assembly of USB delegates and delegates that met in Rome today May 16 in the Auditorium of the National Library denounces the dangerous bellicist drift taken by the governments of the European Union and the Italian government led by Meloni. Increased military spending, support for the arms industries, repeated military aid shipments to Ukraine, the leadership of the Aspides expedition to the Red Sea, and support for Netanyahu’s genocidal government are all signs of a willingness to drag our country into a very dangerous spiral and that is already heavily affecting our economy. USB declares that not a penny or a soldier must be made available to this spiral and that our country must pull out of every military adventure and support the stop to the genocide of the Palestinian people and its right to a land and their own self-determination, as invoked for a long time by the international community.

Also because of these policies of war the economic conditions of our country are worsening. The government’s employment data is false and only constitute smoke in the eyes of the public. The growing impoverishment that we are suffering is the result of a policy of containment of wages and widespread precarization that date back to the last decades but that this government is increasing further, together with the constant cut of the Social State, starting from Health.

For this reason, the assembly recognizes itself in the need to launch a campaign to fight for the salary that points to: increases on the basis of at least 300 euros as a recovery on the cost of living, increases in the next contractual renewals that take into account the strong profits accumulated by companies and that do not represent the umpteenth opportunity to increase the flexibility of work and exploitation, restoration of a mechanism of automatic indexing of wages and pensions, a minimum legal wage on the minimum tables.

In the face of the strong technological restructuring already underway, which will also be supported by the European funds of the PNRR, it is urgent to promote a strong reduction in working hours that includes the week of 4 days of work and a working day of no more than 7 hours and 1-2 to ensure the protection of employment and a life not subjugated to the needs of companies. Machines need to reduce fatigue and not just increase productivity.

To stop the wave of massacres that is bloodied workplaces, drastic measures are needed that reverse the trend: to pass a law that introduces murder at work, empower RLS more and restore a far less extensive definition of procurement than the current one.

Continue to fight for the defense and relaunch of public services as an element of rebalancing of inequalities, proper to the capitalist system, and, more generally, for all the mechanisms of indirect wages, starting from the housing question with the reintroduction of the fair canon, in addition to the need for a million new social housing.

Finally, it is necessary to stop the precarization of work by abolishing the mandatory part time, to introduce the just causal to fixed-term work, to fight festive work and the proliferation of shifts, to bring back to the Publication of the P.A. that in recent years has been outsourcing and absorbing the much precarious that has been created.

On this general platform that wants to raise wages, reduce time, stop precariousness and give workers the power to safeguard health and safety at work, the Assembly of USB delegates and delegates opens a consultation campaign in all sectors and territories, with the aim of launching a season of mobilizations and struggles in the next autumn.

On June 1st USB will be in the streets in Rome on this platform and against the government of war, it will continue to be present and active in the mobilizations in support of the Palestinian people.

Unione Sindacale di Base


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