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Italy: USB Sends Solidarity with the LARKO Workers on the Road to Victory

The Italian USB Federation sends you solidarity and deep sympathy for your struggle.

We are following your mobilisation at the gates of the LARKO factory and we admire your determination to defend your jobs, your wages and the living conditions of your families in your community; your struggle goes even further, it is a signal to all Greek workers that it is always necessary to resist unitedly against the attempts of the local bosses of the governments and the multinationals to deprive the workers and the territory of their wealth for the benefit of the capitalists.

Only with a strong subjectivity and determination to move forward is it possible to defeat the plans of the bosses and the European Union to dismantle strategic production, to relocate where labour costs are lowest and exploitation is highest.

In Italy we are suffering the same attack in many industrial areas and we are responding with strikes and mobilisations.

Dear LARKO workers, in your struggle you can count on our solidarity and closeness until victory.

Long live the international working class
Long live the class struggle
Long live the workers’ resistance


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