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ITALY: USB transport strike, very high adherence throughout Italy to the abstention called to claim wages, security and dignity. The picture at 2 p.m.

The long-standing adhesions throughout Italy to the 24-hour national strike of the Local Public Transport proclaimed by the Union of Basic Trade Unions. The workers participated in the mobilization called with the slogans “wages, security, dignity” against wild privatizations that feed exploitation and precarization with contracts, subcontracts and sub-entrustments, against heavy workloads, against heavy wage penalties derived from the latest farce contract renewals, against the lack of safety for both workers and users.

Here is a picture updated at 2 pm of the memberships, which as in previous occasions are destined to rise in the afternoon-evening:

Turin – The membership among GTT workers reaches 45%;
Milan – Closed three lines (M1, M2 and M3) on five of the metro. Adhesions at 50% in road transport;
Cremona – Total adherence to the strike;
Trento – Arms crossed for 55% of workers;
Bolzano – Joining the strike of 50% in the morning, 90% in the afternoon;
Merano – 30% of membership, increased to 50% in the afternoon;
Vicenza – In SVT 40% of adhesions;
Trieste – Adhesions to 60% in the morning, 85% in the afternoon;
Gorizia – Adhesions to 80%;
Bologna – 90% of workers have crossed their arms;
Modena – 80% of Seta workers have joined the strike, giving rise to a procession and a garrison in front of the Municipality;
Cesena – 61% of Start Romagna workers join the strike;
Forlì – In Start Romagna adhesions to 66%;
Ravenna – There are 55% adhesions in Start Romagna;
Livorno – Joining the strike 60%;
Pesaro Urbino – In Ami spa (Adriabus consortium) 40% of adhesions;
Umbria – Adheral to 80%, despite the intimidating attitude of Busitalia that in Terni prevented yesterday evening the holding of an assembly inside the Cral, forcing workers to keep it outside;
Lazio – On a regional basis adhesions to 60%;
Rome – Reduced rides on the metro lines and Termini-Centocelle, adhesions to 80% in surface transport;
Naples – Closed the funiculars, Metro line 1 active only in the Piscinola-Dante section. Strongly reduced ANM surface lines, with 60% adhesions, rising to 80% for Alibus;
Capri – Total membership of ATC staff;
Puglia – Adhesions to 80% on a regional basis. In Bari workers in garrison at the Palace of the Province.

On March 3 at 10.30 am the TPL workers belonging to USB will demonstrate in Rome in front of the Ministry of Transport.

Unione Sindacale di Base – Lavoro Privato – TPL


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