LUEL Supports the Jill Stein Presidential Campaign
Labor United Educational League believes that the Green Party platform is the most progressive on the ballot for the 2024 presidential election. No other candidate is calling for the repeal of Taft-Hartley, a Federal Jobs Guarantee, and the end of US military intervention around the world. Neither Trump nor Harris has even mentioned Taft-Harley. The promotion of a class-oriented platform is critical not only for this election but for future elections. In assessing which candidate on the ballot represents the best path forward in developing an anti-monopoly and class-oriented consciousness in this country, the Labor United Educational League sees the platform of Jill Stein as the best choice for American workers this election.
Discussion of the pro-worker and anti-war policies of the Green Party is essential for all members of LUEL and such policies should be brought to every worker possible.
The Green Party platform can be found at:
In solidarity,
Labor United Educational League