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Message of support from the Union of Trade Unions of Monaco to workers mobilized on strike in French refineries

For several weeks now, refinery workers in France have been fighting for wage increases and improved working conditions.

With this message, the Union of Trade Unions of Monaco wishes to lend its full support to this exemplary struggle led by progressive trade union forces, including the FNIC CGT.

Faced with the refusal to negotiate on the part of the management of Total Energies and Esso-Exxon Mobil. These workers have no choice but to Intensify the initiated thrush movement.

Moreover, the recent decision of the French government to operate requisitions among workers in thrush is a full attack against a fundamental and constitutional right.

The Union of Trade Unions of Monaco strongly contests these facts and condemns in the strongest terms these attacks against workers who aspire to live decently from their work with wages and working conditions worthy of a country like France.

The Union of Trade Unions of Monaco calls on all progressive trade union organizations that can, to support, including financially, the Just fight waged by the employees of French refineries

Failure to act is worse than anything!

Monaco October 12, 2022


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