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PAME Solidarity with the French workers’ strike on 27 October

PAME from Greece expresses its solidarity with the new strike actions of the workers and the militant French trade unions on 27 October for wage and pension increases, against inflation and in defense of the right to strike.

On 18 October you gave a proud response against the requisition!  Colleagues, you are already victorious! Justice is on your side. That is why workers all over the world, the militant trade unions all over Europe, the forces of the WFTU, everyone, are on your side.

The EU and governments in the service of the monopolies are leading us to conditions of DarkAges, into darkness and cold. To poverty, misery, war. They cultivate xenophobia, racism, support neo-Nazi fascists, attack militant trade unions, ban the right to strike. They want workers scared, disappointed, isolated.

But we are not retreating in France or in Greece! In Greece too, we are moving forward with mobilisations in many sectors for collective bargaining, in working classneighborhoods with demands against inflation and taxation. We are preparing a big General strike for November 9 so that the working class in Greece can also give its own answer.

The workers have the power, we can overthrow them. With organization, with solidarity, with class struggles in France, Greece and throughout Europe!

PAME expresses its solidarity with the new strike mobilizations of the workers and the militant trade unions in France on October 27!


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