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SPAIN: Strike in All Zara and Lefties Company Centres

The strike was called all over Spain, in the provinces where there are INDITEX shops, which are almost all of them. The strike was a continuation of the mobilisations that have been taking place since the beginning of December, specifically the one on the 7th was called by ASC CGT and USO. The objectives of this announced strike, in relation to the facts that motivate it and to the previous actions carried out, are with the previous actions carried out, are the following:

  • That the company negotiate wage increases of 10% for 2023 and 2024 and 5% for 2025 and 2026 on current wages.and 5% for 2025 and 2026, on the wages currently received, which will allow the workforce to have a living wage.
  • That staff in Madrid be given a canteen and book allowance of up to 250 euros, an amount that they are currently receiving workers in the group are receiving workers in the group.
  • An increase in the payment for Sundays and public holidays worked for all workers in Madrid with a with a compensation of 150 euros plus a Saturday before or after for compensatory time off.
  • An end to the existing discrimination in conditions between new and old contracts new and old contracts.
  • Elimination of hiring by Temporary Employment Agencies.
  • When a weekly rest period coincides with a public holiday, the rest should be taken on another day of the week. 

It is important to note that 80% of the staff are women, most of them young women with children who are forced to ask for reduced working hours in order to be able to reconcile work and personal life due to the timetables they have, so their salaries are very low, less than 100 euros. The World Federation of Trade Unions supports this strike.


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