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Statement From The WFTU Regional Office in the Middle East on the 78th Anniversary of the WFTU

Dear comrades and friends

The anniversary of the third of October the anniversary of the founding of World Federation of Trade Unions occurs to remind us all of the founding parents of the Federation and the circumstances that accompanied the founding of WFTU following the Second World War and its alternative consequences. Whoever watches the tragedies of workers in our present and the wars everywhere and the risks of the new liberalism on all peoples of the earth feel that we must reinstate the global trade union movement, which is consistent with the interest of our workers and the correction of the current deviation of international organizations which are affiliated to the United Nations.

The Arab region is still suffering from the Israeli occupation of Palestinian and Syria and Lebanon. The Israeli occupation authorities continue to refuse to respect the rights of workers under occupation and distinguish between Palestinian and Syrian workers on one hand and Israeli workers on the other one. They force Syrian and Palestinian workers to work in types of work that the Israeli worker does not accept because they contain mental and physical exhaustion.

We all have to raise the sound to adopt the Arab right and force the Israeli occupation forces to respect the relevant international conventions.

Long live the 3rd of October
Long live World Federation of Trade Unions
Regional Director of World Federation of Trade Unions
Dr. Adnan Azzou


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