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The General Management of Total Energies refuses to listen to the strikers!

After more than 2 weeks of strike mobilization, and following yesterday’s surreal day, during which, it is important to remember, TotalEnergies, with the complicity of the government, chose to send the police look for striking employees at home to compel them to come to work (on pain of imprisonment and a fine, in the event of refusal), as in the worst times in our history, we snatched the emergency opening of a meeting of negotiation without consideration.

The meeting therefore began at 8 p.m. in the presence of the only 4 trade union organizations representing this perimeter (CGT, CAT, CFDT, CFE-CGC). Right from the start, we witnessed the biggest play ever staged at Total. We were able to measure, very clearly, the level of collusion
between the general management and certain OS: they bear together the responsibility for the failure of these negotiations, the responsibility for the deterioration of our working conditions, the dangerousness of our tool and all the consequences that will emerge in the more or less short term from this

However, regardless of their levels, the proposals put forward by management are only the results of OUR struggle. Without the determination of the striking workers in struggle with the CGT, our leaders would not have put on the table a general increase of this level. It is indeed because we threw ourselves into the fight, despite the lies, despite the intimidation, despite the various pressures, despite the denigration of the government, despite their recourse to public force, that we obtained this result. But the proposals made during these negotiations do
not meet our expectations and those of the striking employees.

It is therefore for all these reasons that the CGT asks the employees to continue the struggle in order to obtain a new serious negotiation meeting as quickly as possible, under the control of the strikers.

We did part of the work and we snatched the minimum possible from what a multi billion dollar company could give, which made the choice of “all for the shareholder” in defiance of the employees.

Everywhere we are going to send a message of firmness to this deaf management which is unable to hear the suffering of the employees.

On all the sites in struggle, with each succession, the CGT will ask the question of the continuity of this movement and we will democratically decide, all together, on the follow-up to be given.


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