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The National Writers Union declares itself a “Sanctuary Union.”

Editor’s Note: The following is a resolution passed by the National Writers Union.

We declare that we — 

Will protect the rights and safety of all of our members;

Will do everything within our power to ensure the safety and security of our members regardless of immigration status;

Will not voluntarily cooperate with federal agents in the prosecution or attempted deportation of members of the National Writers Union;

Will not collect personal information from our members that may be used against them in terms of their immigration status;

Will mobilize support for Sanctuary Cities and Sanctuary Campuses;

Will commit to holding Know Your Rights trainings and sharing legal resources with our members;

Will commit to collectively bargaining new contract language that strengthens workplace protections for immigrant members;

Will support the upholding and expansion of the DACA and DAPA programs for immigrants; and

Will continue to build alliances throughout the labor movement and in our communities with others engaged in similar work to protect the undocumented, and to participate in protests in response to ICE raids or employer collaboration for the sake of union-busting.

Be it further resolved:

The National Writers Union stands in solidarity with all communities under attack, and understands that the time for unity is now, and that standing united with all workers, particularly the most vulnerable among us, will be key to beating back the attack on our unions and our standard of living in the years to come.


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