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The Pakistan Labour Federation (PLF)  supports the strike in the refineries of France and condemns the requisitions! 

The Pakistan Labour Federation (PLF) an affiliated  With World Federation of Trade Unions, expresses their Solidarity support to the workers in the refineries in France Haji Muhammad Saeed Arian Founder/Secretary General Mr Asaf F Vardag President Mrs. Atia Saleem Chairperson Mr Waheed Ahmad Ch Advocate Legal Advisor and Mrs. Shumalia Sadiq Secretary Women Wing Pakistan Labour Federation (PLF) announce their fully support to FNIC CGT,an affiliated WFTU, which has been leading this heroic struggle for 3 weeks against the big monopolies Total and Exxon mobile. They fully support the Demands of the Refinery workers in France and also support their struggle, at a time when these big oil monopolies are paying billions of Euros in dividends to their shareholders, They condemned the attitude of the Employers for the refusing to raise the  wages: They said that the workers has the only the way of the strike and the struggle can force the Employers to Accept the  Demands of the workers. They strongly condemns the brutal decision of the French Government for the illegal action of the police against the workers those are demanding for the increasing of Wages They recall that the requisitions of the French Government against the  workers They appreciate International Labor Organization  for the condemned illegal action and fully supporting the  appeal of the FNIC CGT. They express their support for the striking French refiners and the FNIC CGT, and to demonstrate their condemnation of the French Government’s attack on the right to strike of our comrades in the refineries of France.

Long live the Refinery strike in France,
Long live the FNIC-CGT

(Haji Muhammad Saeed Arian)
Founder/Secretary General

Pakistan Labour Federation (PLF)
Affiliated with
World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU)


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