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The WFTU Expresses Solidarity with the General Strike in Italy on December 13th

The World Federation of Trade Unions, representing over 105 million workers in 133 countries, stands in firm solidarity with the USB and the working class of Italy in their general and widespread strike on December 13, 2024.

This strike, called by our affiliate, USB, is a bold and necessary response to the devastating policies of the Meloni government and the European Union that deepen social inequalities, exacerbate poverty, and intensify exploitation. These policies prioritize the profits of banks and monopolies, fuel militarization, and undermine democratic freedoms and workers’ rights.

The WFTU unequivocally condemns the Italian government’s actions that align with the broader imperialist agenda, which promotes war as a solution to the capitalist crisis. We denounce the allocation of resources to the war economy, the escalation of military spending, and support for imperialist interventions, including in Ukraine and Palestine, while workers and peoples are left to suffer under precarious conditions, starvation wages, and deindustrialization.

The struggles of the USB reflect the just demands of the Italian working class and the broader society for fair wages, decent work, quality public services, environmental protection, and genuine democratic freedoms. The situation that the Italian working class faces, highlight the urgent need for resistance against the attacks on fundamental rights, the privatization of public goods, and the assault on civil liberties.

We call upon all militant class-oriented trade unions and progressive forces worldwide to express their solidarity with the USB and the working class of Italy. We reaffirm that international solidarity is our strongest weapon in the struggle against imperialism, exploitation, and war.


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