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The WFTU Stands in Solidarity with the Struggling Workers of Bangladesh

The World Federation of Trade Unions, representing more than 105 million workers in 133 countries, stands in solidarity and joins its voice with the struggling Garment Workers of Bangladesh, who are fighting for wage increases, against the repression of the government and the employers and owners.

Despite that Bangladesh is the primary clothing supplier of the world, the garment industry workers receive the lowest wages globally. The Garment Workers’ Trade Union Centre (GWTUC), representing the interests of more than five million garment workers in the country, called upon all stakeholders involved in the industry to listen to the just demands of the ongoing wage increase movement.

The answer from the side of the government and the owners, was repression. Significantly, during peaceful workers’ demonstrations, hundreds had been arrested, and false cases and trials against trade union leaders have taken place. Furthermore, in the demonstrations of the last days, at least 5 protesters have been killed by the police, and many injured.

The WFTU stands by the side of the struggling Garment Workers of Bangladesh and the ongoing wage increase movement of the country, on their just demands. We call upon our affiliates and friends, the class-oriented trade unions of the world, to express in every possible way their solidarity with the Bangladeshi workers, and to condemn the unacceptable murderous repression they face.


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