Statement from the United Front Committee for a Labor Party
The capture of all three branches of the US government by insurrectionary forces and the “peaceful” transfer of power to a Trump Musk government is only the beginning of a fascist take-over. This is a government that supports and is based on the end of bourgeois democracy and a dictatorship. The rapid decline of US capitalism and imperialism economically and globally is leading directly to Trump and a fascist movement which includes tariff trade war, growing threat of world war and mass repression and fascism internally.
Trump using “shock and awe” will immediately free his fascist and racist supporters from prison and they will be organized and funded by fascist billionaires to target, crush and murder Blacks, Brown, Leftists and unionists. Trump and his fascist supporters including Turning Point US will remove 60,000 Federal workers in all departments of the capitalist state and replace them with his fascist supporters like Musk to implement his transformation of the present capitalist state into a fascist capitalist state.
As in Nazi Germany, Trump has put in place the Capitalists themselves in his proposed cabinet to administer the state for the elimination of unions, the privatization of all public education from k-12 to universities, privatization of public services and public healthcare and the complete privatization of Social Security and Medicare. This fascist government will launch mass immigration raids to deport millions of immigrant workers and arrest thousands of political activists including the hundreds of thousands who have mobilized against the US supported and funded genocide in Gaza, the pogroms in the West Bank and destruction in Lebanon. We need to build a united front against fascism and deportation and fight in the unions to form defense committees for all immigrant and undocumented workers and their families.
Internationally besides threatening to invade Panama, Venezuela and Cuba are also targets. The Trump Musk government will escalate the support of fascist regimes around the world from Argentina with Millie to Italy and Germany with the AfD. This agenda is supported by the largest capitalist billionaires in the world from Musk, Bezos, Thiel, Ellison and David Sacks. They will also move to support a military coup and dictatorship in Korea. The fascist supporters of Yoon are calling on the incoming Trump government to give full backing of Yoon’s criminal declaration of martial law and for him to crush the working class and all opposition.

The central fightback to this fascist government will come from the working class and the trade unions who are target number one since as institutions they have real power. The trade union bureaucracy instead of preparing for a fascist government is telling workers to rely on the Democratic party to defend our rights and living conditions. This is dangerous and ludicrous.
We need to prepare for a general strike against any effort to create martial law here and impose a direct fascist rule. Unlike the fightback in Korea, the US union bureaucrats are paralyzed with fear and do not want to mobilize the working class for action but that is exactly what is needed and critical.
We call on all organizations and those who want to build a mass working class united front to join together and prepare for the coming battles. Trump 2 will not be Trump 1 and the denialism and American exceptionalism is a dangerous and costly illusion.
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