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UITBB Stands in Solidarity with the Palestinian people

The Trades Union International of Workers of the Building, Wood and Building Materials Industries (UITBB) stands in solidarity with the Palestinian people and strongly condemns the recent crimes committed by the Israeli government. The bloodshed has already resulted in thousands of people losing their lives and many more injured, while Palestinians in Gaza live without food, water and electricity, as Israel is getting ready to completely destroy the Gaza Strip. We express our deepest concerns and call for an immediate end to the ongoing aggression and violence.

Of course, the main cause for all these is the ongoing occupation of Palestine by Israel and the daily crimes and blockades of Gaza perpetrated against the Palestinian people by Israel. The recent events in Palestine have once again exposed the brutality and disregard for human life that have become synonymous with the Israeli occupation. The reports of civilian casualties, the destruction of homes, and the displacement of families undermine any prospects for a just and lasting peace in the region. Unfortunately, the EU and the USA turn a blind eye to the crimes and massacres against the Palestinian people and contribute to the continuance of the occupation.

UITBB firmly believes in the principles of international law, human rights, and the right to self-determination. We affirm the rights of the Palestinian people to live in peace, security, and dignity, free from oppression and occupation, in the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital. It is with great distress that we witness the continuous violations of these fundamental rights in Palestine.

We will always stand with the Palestinian people in their struggle for freedom, justice, and equality. We will continue to mobilize our members and allies globally to raise awareness, exert pressure, and advocate for an end to the crimes committed against Palestine. Together, we will work tirelessly towards a future where all people in the region can live in peace and prosperity.

UITBB calls on its affiliates and friends, class-oriented and militant trade unions around the world to organise in the coming days, actions, protests and demonstrations around the world in support of the just Palestinian cause

Solidarity with Palestine!

UITBB Secretariat


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