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WFTU-EUROF Meeting on the Right to Strike Concludes Positively

The meeting organised on February 15th in Bilbao (Bask Country) by the European Regional Office EUROF WFTU hosted by LAB on the defence of the right to strike ended positively and in a militant spirit.

The members of the WFTU European Secretariat and representatives of the affiliated organisations in the Spanish state discussed the current situation in the various countries and denounced the ongoing attempt to further restrict the right to strike in order to cope with the great wave of strikes that is sweeping through all the major European countries. Precisely because of the ongoing strikes, the representatives of the organisations from France and England were unable to attend.

All the speakers spoke about the success of the strikes and demonstrations that have been filling the squares in France, England, Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Cyprus and Austria for weeks and will continue in the coming days. To all the workers and trade union organisations in struggle went the support and best wishes for their success.

The seminar concluded by establishing the organisation of a European week of struggle in defence of the right to strike to be held by next spring with strikes and mobilisations in all European countries; the launch of a cycle of assemblies to be held in each European country with the participation of representatives from other countries; the sending of messages of support to striking workers and organisations; the invitation to add the watchword of defending the right to strike to the platforms of all strike proclamations; the involvement of TUI WFTU in mobilisations in defence of the right to strike.


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