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WFTU General Secretary Meeting with the Leadership of the Workers Union Coalition – Palestine to Discuss the Latest Developments

WFTU General Secretary, Pambis Kyritsis held a virtual meeting with the Secretariat of the Workers Union Coalition – Palestine, headed by its General Secretary, comrade Mohammad Yahya Arqawee.

During the meeting comrade Mohammad informed the WFTU GS on the latest developments in Gaza Strip as well as the situation of the working people in the West Bank, and it was followed by statements of the Secretariat members of the Workers Union Coalition – Palestine.

WFTU General Secretary, reiterated on the WFTU long standing position with the Palestinian people, and assured that the commitment to the Palestinian people who are enduring suffering and persevering through their struggles that are unwavering and enduring. The WFTU has always stood by the Palestinian cause with unwavering principles, and acknowledged that the demand for international solidarity is more pressing and urgent today than ever before.


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