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WFTU General Secretary Meets with the Leadership of the ICATU

Continuing the series of meetings that are taking place these days in the context of the WFTU’s visit to Syria, the General Secretary, Pambis Kyritsis, met today with the General Secretary of the International Confederation of Arab Trade Unions (ICATU), comrade Jamal Kadri.

The meeting was realized in a very fraternal atmosphere, and the discussion was focused on the developments in the wider area.  The WFTU and ICATU reiterated their long and cordial relations and agreed on a common action plan with activities and initiatives in favour of the Arab peoples and the workers’ interests.

Moreover, they condemned once again the crimes of the Israeli state in the heroic land of Palestine and expressed their intention to continue and intensify their coordination and action in solidarity with the struggle of Palestinian people for freedom, justice and dignity.

Reaffirming the fraternal historical ties that bind the WFTU and the ICATU, the convergence on a number of issues, and the mutual willingness to cooperate, a Protocol of Intentions was signed between the two organizations.


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