Dear comrades,
On behalf of the class family of the World Federation of Trade Union, I would like to convey our sincere condolences and our undivided solidarity with the workers in Valencia affected by the torrential rain and the consequent flash flooding that hit the wider region the last days. Our thoughts are with the relatives of the more than 200 people who lost their lives and all the affected ones.
Unfortunately, once again, the lack of adequate protection and prevention measures, and civil protection has been proven fatal. The poor and popular part of society is vulnerable and unprotected against the danger of meteorological phenomena and once again, they bear the brunt of capital exploitative policies that devastate nature for the sake of profit.
The World Federation of Trade Unions representing 105 million workers in the 5 continents, stands by the side of the workers, the popular strata in Valencia, and all affected areas. We join our voice with the class-oriented trade unions, demanding the immediate implementation of adequate measures to guarantee the safety of the citizens’ lives. Simultaneously, we demand the authorities to be prepared for the recovery of the destroyed areas with the financial support to the affected people.
Pambis Kyritsis,
WFTU General Secretary