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WFTU on the Assassination of Farmer Militant

Another murder of a popular struggler and trade unionist in Colombia, is added to the long list of violent acts and crimes committed against militants and trade unionists who fight for the rights of the workers and the oppressed masses.

The murdered farmer Donaldo Silva Pedrozo was a member of the Asociacion Agropecuaria Heroes de Margarita, and was murdered while mobilizing for the agricultural reforms in Bolivar. The World Federation of Trade Unions condemns the murder and expresses its solidarity with the relatives and friends of the comrade. The WFTU condemns all the violent acts and crimes committed against assertive struggles of workers for better living and working conditions and aimed at intimidating trade unionists and popular workers, and demands to investigate and punish the guilty ones by the competent authorities and for guarantees for free organization in the territory with prosperity and development


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