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WFTU on the Completion of the Visit to the Middle East

The WFTU mission to the Middle East, led by the General Secretary, Pambis Kyritsis, was successfully completed today.

During the 5 days of the visit, the General Secretary held a series of meetings with trade unions and Organizations from Syria, Lebanon and Palestine, political parties, and the political leadership of Syria. Furthermore, the delegation participated in solidarity activities with the struggling people of Palestine, organized by the class-oriented trade unions of the region.

The visit had been a very good opportunity to reiterate the long and cordial relations between the WFTU and Organizations of the region, and also to agree on a common action plan between them, with activities and initiatives in favour of the Arab peoples and the workers’ interests.

The common finding of all the activities carried out in the framework of the visit, is the fact that organization, militancy and internationalist solidarity are the most powerful weapons of the peoples struggling for freedom, for dignity, for disengagement from foreign interventions. The unity of the peoples’ struggle can and must defeat imperialism.

The WFTU, on the occasion of the completion of the visit, reaffirms that it will remain consistent and firm in its positions and in its support to the struggling people of the Middle East. We will continue to point out the hypocrisy of the imperialists, and to condemn Israel’s murderous aggression and the support it receives from the big imperialist powers, the United States, the European Union and their other allies. The international class-oriented trade union movement will continue to stand on the correct side of history: with the struggling people, against imperialism!

Images from the trip can be found here.


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