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WFTU Solidarity Statement with the indefinite strike of Public Services Workers in South Africa

The World Federation of Trade Unions, representing 105 million workers who live, work, and struggle in 133 countries of the 5 continents, expresses its undivided solidarity and unconditional support with the Public Service Workers in South Africa who follow the path of dignity, striking -despite interdict- for a 10% salary hike.

The international class-oriented trade union movement stands on the side of South African Workers and NEHAWU against the destruction of collective bargaining and trade union rights. We denounce the anti-labor practices that undermine the worker’s achievements, and the unacceptable approaches of ”resolving” labor matters through court procedures.

We condemn the poor working conditions and living conditions of the public service workers who contribute on daily basis to the betterment of the South African people.  We demand adequate and proper staffing of all the different departments and work-stations as well as proper skilling and ongoing training support of the workers.

We demand the full respect of the inalienable right of trade unions to strike and organize peaceful protests in order to protect their right and promote their just demands.


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