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WFTU Solidarity Statement with the Portuguese Working-Class

The working class in Portugal took to the streets demanding wages and pension raises. The workers and their trade unions fight for a raise of their wages by 10% as well as pensions, in order to face the inflation, affecting their livelihood.

The WFTU expresses its internationalist solidarity with the working class in Portugal and supports their just demands and the struggle for a dignified life.

The WFTU salutes and supports the future mobilizations that are planned to take place in the next days in the same militant direction and the same demands for a raise of popular strata income, for dignified living standards.

The capitalist crisis deepens day by day and the only way for preserving and ensuring the rights, benefits, and interests of the working class is the militant struggles. Such struggles are taking place in Portugal, Greece, Italy, the UK, Cyprus, all over Europe, all over Globe. The WFTU, representing 105 million workers from 133 countries, fully and firmly stand on the side of workers all over the world who are taking action against the deterioration of their living standards.

The Secretariat


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