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WFTU Statement of Solidarity with the Struggle of the Workers at Ford Valencia (Spain)

The World Federation of Trade Unions, the most historic international trade union organization representing more than 105 million workers who work, live and struggle in 133 countries on 5 continents, expresses its internationalist solidarity with the struggle of the workers of Ford Valencia.

Companies, in their unbridled ambition to increase their profits, do not hesitate to expel thousands of working families and send them into poverty. In this case, the multinational car manufacturer Ford, with the acquiescence and cooperation of the yellow trade unionism, wants to send more than 1100 workers and their families into poverty.

The World Federation of Trade Unions stands in solidarity with the workforce of Ford Valencia and the Metalworkers Union in the defense of their jobs. It demands that the company and the public administrations stop the continuous attacks against the working class in the form of deterioration of their working conditions and mass lay-offs. And invites the workforce to organize around the Metalworkers’ Union so that collectively and with the struggle in the streets they can achieve their goals of a decent job and a future for their families.

The World Federation of Trade Unions will always be at the side of the working class and, in this case, at the side of the Ford Valencia workforce to twist the arm of a bosses greedy for economic benefits and a yellow trade unionism that is a traitor to our interests.

We call on our members and friends of the WFTU to show their solidarity with the struggling workers of FORD VALENCIA to strengthen their struggle for labor rights and a decent life for them and their families.


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