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WFTU Struggles Along with the Persons with Disabilities

On the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, on December 3rd, the World Federation of Trade Unions, representing 92 million workers in 126 countries all over the world, expresses its full support to the persons with disabilities, who face many difficulties due to inadequate measures of protection and of the indifference the states show towards them.

In many places of the world, invalidity pensions have been dramatically reduced, resulting to the despair of persons with disabilities and their families. Moreover, the states do not cover the necessary medical costs, nor they ensure the daily health care that is needed. What is more, the lack of proper infrastructure often prevents the persons with disabilities to move freely from one place to the other, making them depending on the aid of other persons. Last but not least, they face great difficulties in finding a job, in the general situation of high unemployment, and are often victims of discriminations.

The WFTU demands the full protection of the health of persons with disabilities as well as the protection of their right to receive education, to work and to be active members of the society. We call on persons with disabilities to struggle on the side of the class oriented world trade union movement for a decent life with rights.


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