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Workshop on Trade Union Communication Tools for the Latin American Youth of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) 

The Latin American Youth of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) is pleased to announce the successful start of the first Workshop on Digital Tools for Trade Union Communication, last Tuesday, August 12, 2023 in virtual mode through the Zoom platform.

The event was attended by more than 100 participants from various countries in Latin America and the Caribbean such as: Dominican Republic, Panama, Mexico, Chile, Costa Rica, Honduras, Venezuela, Argentina, Bolivia, Guatemala, El Salvador, Paraguay and Peru. The day began with an emotional greeting by the World Secretary of the Young Workers, Emil Olsen, who stressed the importance of strengthening the working class and the WFTU in the struggle against the system of capitalist exploitation, promoted and supported by imperialism and its operators.

The workshop was inaugurated by the presidents of the Latin American Youth of the WFTU, Emmanuel Guerra and Carolina Muñoz, who highlighted the importance of developing the communication skills of young workers, especially in the context of the digitization of communications and the impact of technology in the world of work, materializing one of the agreements of the Latin American Meeting of Young Workers WFTU, held in July 2023.

The workshop coordinator, Darinka Martinez of the Coalición de Organizaciones Democráticas Urbanas y Campesina (CODUC) of Mexico, reported on the basic requirements for participation, certification and communication channels. The class was taught by César Soberón of CGTP (Peru).

The Workshop is composed of nine sessions that will address fundamental topics for union communication in the digital era, such as graphic editing and video editing at a basic level for computers and mobile devices, basic use of artificial intelligence for image processing and creation, strategies in the use of union social networks, and writing content for digital platforms, including press releases and communiqués.

The World Federation of Trade Unions, through the Young Workers in Latin America, continues to strengthen itself to face the challenges arising from the capital-labor contradiction. The WFTU postulates the generation of power for the working class as an essential tool for the construction of a new society, free of inequality and exploitation of man by man.


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