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Zimbabwe Federation of Trade Unions Letter to David Whitehead Textiles

27 June 2023
Chief Production Officer
David Whitehead Textiles Limited
P.O. Box 200

Dear Sir

Following our letter dated 24th April 2023, to you, we have not been favoured with any response to date.
We reiterate our position once more that Mr Silas Kuveya was the applicant to the High Court of
Zimbabwe under Case Number HC8307/2010 which placed DWTL under the judicial management.
Mr Kuveya was the trade union’s Secretary General representing Mr Stanford Maharava, retrenched
employees, current employees and reinstated employees of David Whitehead Textiles Limited.

In 2014 during the Judicial Management administration, Mr Silas Kuveya had already assumed the Human Resources Management position notwithstanding his position as the Secretary General of the Trade Union (Zimbabwe Textiles Workers Union, a position he holds up to this date.

Consequently, questions that arises are
(a) Did the applicant Mr Silas Kuveya renounce his position as Secretary General of the Trade
Union Zimbabwe Textiles Workers Union to his members Stanford Maharava, retrenched employees
current and reinstated employees and if so proof is to be available to all his members herein
(b) Is there any application for leave of the High Court of Zimbabwe for him to be employed as the Human Resources Manager of David Whitehead Textiles Limited and by extension Agri Value Chain Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd and if so, proof of same is required.
(c) Was Mr Silas Kuveya employed in both capacities as Secretary General of Zimbabwe Textiles Workers Union and the Human Resources Manager of DWTL without a Court Order from the High Court of Zimbabwe under Case No. HC 8307/2010. And if so, under which rule of the High Court that was applied for the placement of Silas Kuveya in both capacities.
(d) Can an individual be placed in both capacities in a situation where a High Court Order is in existence. And if so under which Rule that applies in situations of this nature.

This is an inquiry that remains enigmatic. However, in the unlikely and unfortunate event that you do not respond to our letter within 7 days we are left with no other alternative than to seek the High Court intervention on the way forward.

Please be guided accordingly.
Yours faithfully

A Windimani
Secretary for Legal & Social Welfare


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