De USB | Photo courtesy of
The collection of online signatures for the bill to introduce the crime of murder at work begins today.
After the terrible tragedy of Brandizzo, where five workers who were operating on the tracks of the Turin Milan line lost their lives, our organization immediately proclaimed a 24-hour strike for the rail transport sector, while for the whole industry, it was sent to delegates and delegates in the companies to call spontaneous strikes so that the consternation and anger in such a serious and at the same time no-so-deprived tragedy emerged.
From Lombardy to Campania, from Piedmont to Friuli Venezia Giulia the industrial sector has responded in an extraordinary way to the call of USB: from Stellantis to Acciaierie Arvedi, from the ST Microelectronics to Marcegaglia, passing through Piaggio, Bonfiglioli, G.D, Titan, Magna, CordenPharma. Just to name a few.
If the 780 deaths recorded this year are not enough, if the 4000 victims recorded in the last 5 years are not enough to mobilize the policy so that we really commit ourselves to an extraordinary plan for safety in the workplace, today workers only have to mobilize forcefully in the face of tragedies like this.
In Italy, security is seen as a luxury that can be dispensed with in order to secure lower costs and thus further profits.
This is why we are convinced that the introduction of the crime of murder and serious or serious injury at work is urgently needed, because it takes a true deterrent to speculation on the skin of those who work, not that greater protection for the RSU-RLS and for workers who report deficiencies or irregularities.
We therefore point out that the online signing procedure is finally also active for the law of popular murder initiative and serious or serious injuries at work: it is possible to authenticate through Spid, certified electronic signature and other online certification and identification systems.
You can access it through the website
The National USB