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LEPAIO Educational on the AFL-CIO Involvement in the 1973 Chilean Coup

LEPAIO Educational Meeting On 50th Anniversary Of Chile Coup & AFL-CIO Sunday September 10, 2023 1:30 PM EST/11:30 AM CST/10:30 AM PST To Register For Educational Meeting

This September 11th is the 50th anniversary of the 1973 coup in Chile where the Chilean military WITH THE HELP OF THE AFL-CIO overthrew the democratically-elected government of Salvador Allende, killing tens of thousands and effecting the country in ways that continue 50 years later.

LEPAIO (Labor Education Project on AFL-CIO International Operations)—a mostly US group of labor activists, scholars, and union members who are working with some brothers and sisters in Chile to commemorate the victims of the coup and to condemn AFL-CIO’s involvement through AIFLD, the American Institute for Free Labor Development—will be having an educational conference about labor’s involvement in the coup in Washington, DC on September 10 and will follow with a protest on September 11 at the AFL-CIO headquarters in that city. For more information, please see our press release on-line on the LEPAIO website: Press Release-Washington DC Events Commemorating 50th Anniversary Of US AFL-CIO Supported Chile Coup | AFL-CIO Education International Project ( .

We have assembled some sources that might be of your interest regarding the coup and the AFL-CIO’s foreign operations.

Re the 1973 coup in Chile: “Chile 50 Years After 1,000 Days That Shook The Backyard Of Imperialism”:

Fifty years ago this year, an AFL-CIO supported coup took place in Chile that cost the lives of tens of thousands of workers and people in the country. The country is still suffering the consequences of that coup today. A main reason for the coup was to crush the workers councils that had been established. This film looks at these councils in Chile’s industrial zone and how they organized and the role they played in the country.

Following, Ernesto Rojas of the Committee for Human and Union Rights (CODESH) in Chile talks about that struggle that he and thousands of other trade unionists and workers were involved in. For additional information, please visit the LEPAIO website at; this film is a production of the Labor Video Project:

For additional information on Chile 1973, please see:

For more information on AFL-CIO operations around the world, with many references, see:

Kim Scipes, AFL-CIO’s Secret War on Developing Country Workers: Solidarity or Sabotage? (Lexington Books, 2010, 2011 in paperback) Kim Scipes, “The AFL-CIO’s Foreign Policy Program: Where Historians Now Stand,” on-line for free at .

For a video interview about his 2010 book, see Steve Zeltzer’s 2012 interview with Scipes at

For a video interview by Steve Zeltzer, see “AFL-CIO, NED, Solidarity Center and US Labor Imperialism with Kim Scipes” (2021) at The AFL-CIO, NED, Solidarity Center & US Labor Imperialism With Kim Scipes – YouTube.

For a range of videos since 1982 on labor, go to the Labor Video Project at laborvideo – YouTube.


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