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WFTU General Secretary’s Statement: 2024 a Year Where the Bloody and Shameless Genocide of the Palestinian People Continues

As we approach the end of the year 2023, and get ready to welcome the new year the genocide of the Palestinian people continues.

85 days have passed since the start of the Israeli aggression on Gaza strip, resulting to tens of thousands of deaths, hundreds of thousands of injured people. This aggression will remain as a dark stain in the history of humanity. We are witnessing once again the results of imperialism, where a genocide is being committed with the support of those who call themselves the “defenders of humanity and democracy”.

The WFTU with its 105 million members in 133 countries stood in support to the side of the Palestinian people since the beginning, and condemned every attempt by the international society to display the Israeli aggressor as the victim. The WFTU reiterates its position and expressed firmly that the only solution that would lead to peace in the area, is that the Palestinians should be given their full rights.

For the WFTU there is no doubt that the root cause of this blood cycle is the ongoing occupation and illegal settlement of the occupied Palestinian territories by Israel and the continuous, daily crimes have been committed against the Palestinian people for decades now. Crimes which are committed with the provocative tolerance and support that Israel receives from the big imperialist powers, that is, the USA, the European Union and the rest of their allies, and which in recent years have become even more brutal and unacceptable.

The governments of Israel, USA and the EU ignore the international laws and treaties and use them whenever it suits them. Although the United Nations’s General Assembly and its Security Council adopted resolutions regarding the humanitarian crisis that the Palestinian people are facing, the continuation and escalation of attacks shows that Israel and its allies have no intention of de-escalating the situation, proving once again their hypocrisy and carelessness about humanity.

For the WFTU it is clear that the only way to secure and consolidate peace and security for the people in Palestine and Israel, but also in the wider Middle East, is to immediately end the Israeli occupation and settlement in the occupied Arab territories, as provided for in the UN resolutions, and to establish an independent Palestinian state on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital and guarantee the right of return of Palestinian refugees.

In this direction, the WFTU will continue and intensify its solidarity action in all ways with the suffering but struggling Palestinian people.


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