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BRAZIL: Trade Unions Must Act to Protect Democratic Rule of Law – Joint Statement from Brazil Unions

We demand energetic and exemplary measures against terrorist acts

Trade unions must act to protect democratic rule of law

The trade union centrals, representing workers in Brazil, vehemently repudiate the terrorist action in the Federal District, implemented through the invasion and depredation of the Planalto Palace, the National Congress and the SFC (STF).

This is a coup plot that aims to discredit the rule of law and that, criminally, had the leniency of the government of the Federal District.

This is unacceptable! Brazil cannot continue under the chaos and disorder that marked the last four years.

We demand energetic action from the government to guarantee popular sovereignty, compliance with the Constitution and the full exercise of democracy. Sovereignty that, through voting, elected the President of the Republic and the National Congress.

We express our solidarity with the members of the three Powers of the Republic and we express our support for the necessary and urgent initiatives and measures to occupy our institutionalism quickly, with federal intervention in the Federal District Government.

We guide all trade union entities and their leaders to remain vigilant, attentive to the initiatives we will take and aware that democracy is a valuable asset, conquered by workers and by the whole society.

São Paulo, January 8, 2023

Sérgio Nobre, President of CUT
Miguel Torres, President of Força Sindical
Adilson Araújo, President of CTB
Antonio Neto, President of CSB
Moacyr Roberto Tesch Auersvald, President of the NCST
Nilza Pereira de Almeida, General Secretary of Intersindical
Emanuel Melato, Intesindical Instrument of Struggle
José Goze, President of PÚBLICA, Central do Servidor


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